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Beemmunity CBD Products: Protect Bees with a 100% Organic Method

Annihilate Varroa.
Amplify bee resilience.

Efficacy confirmed:

5 years of research. 1,400 trials.


Varroa Kit - strips with a composition of hemp oil supporting the reduction of Varroa destructor parasites.
Bee with Bee Torment, Varroa Destructor, Varroa, Bee Protection

100% safe products

Even doses up to 5x higher than recommended for pest control are safe for bees. Beemmunity makes them stronger.

Our products extend the lifespan of bees by supporting their immune resistance.

Prolonging bee lifespans

Our products strengthen bee families, reduce mortality and extend life.

They give more honey, no residues in honey, protection against pesticides

Up to 15% more honey yield

Apply in the honey extraction period. No impact on the flavour or scent of honey, bee pollen, propolis, or pollen loads.

Scientifically Proven to Work

Research was conducted
at the Department of Biology and Animal Breeding
at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

100% natural composition, scientifically proven effect

Recommended by scientists

Zabijają warrozę, Niszczą pasożyty Varroa destructor (Dręcz pszczeli).
Annihilate Varroa

Eradicate the Varroa Destructor parasite

They work quickly and effectively. Easy to apply. Just place the preparations in the hives and they work immediately.
No artificial additives

Every single ingredient:
100% natural

100% organiczne składniki W pełni ekologiczne. Wszystko w zgodzie z naturą, naturalnie :)
Act fast and efficiently

Place the product in the hives,
it works instantly

For use during the honey harvesting period. They do not affect the taste and smell of honey, bee bread, propolis and pollen loads.
Apply in the honey extraction period

No impact on flavour or scent

Nie zawierają sztucznych dodatków Zero chemicznych substancji. Wszystkie składniki naturalne.
Strengthen your bees

Reduce mortality,
extend bee lifespan

They strengthen bees also reduce mortality and prolong the life of bee families.
100% organic

A complete sense
of assurance

Effortless application + fast, impactful benefits

Recommended by beekeepers

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